Friday, May 16, 2008


I drove Owen to daycare, then went home and grabbed my bike and rode to work. It took me about 2-1/2 minutes longer to ride in at a recovery pace than it does to drive. It's only 3 miles each way, but with the extra trip home and back for lunch, I can get in 40-60 minutes of spinning every day and stick it to the man.

I certainly needed the spin, I'm feeling Wednesday's ride today worse than yesterday. Do you experience the 2-day lag? For me, the second day after a big race or a bad night's sleep is always worse than the day after.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Stick it to the man!

Dude. I'm STILL recovering from Sunday. And I wore myself out cheering for everyone at Buck Hill last night. I'm gonna need another day of recovery, now. :-)