Friday, November 04, 2005

This photo was shot from my hotel room in Century City, looking towards downtown L.A. Not only can you not see downtown (which is about 15 miles away) but you can barely see the office buildings in the background that are about 3 miles away. And this is at 8:30 in the morning. The air smells like a wet ashtray, especially the closer you get to LAX.

Traffic. Holy crap does traffic suck. There was an 85 year old woman in a wheelchair wearing an oxygen mask going faster than my cab. Santa Monica to Beverly Hills/Century City is only about 15 miles. I spent one and a half hours in a cab listening to the soft jazz CD my unintelligible driver was playing. I believe this was one of Dante's cirlces of hell.

On the plus side, great weather (although everyone was complaining about how cold it was at 70 degrees), great sushi in Santa Monica and VIP treatment at the hotel and Fox Studio lot. Rob "Meathead" Reiner and creator of Family Guy, Seth McFarland, chatted with us. Cheech Marin was on my flight home to Minneapolis. No sign of Chong.