Monday, January 12, 2009

Saturday Leb Hills ride

Hit Leb at noon on Saturday. Temps were mid-teens and sunny, so not too bad weather-wise. Rode the singlespeed (32x16) and had a blast. Ran into Janet and friends at the start of the second section. I went up ahead and could see and hear them along the switchbacks, but after waiting for a while at the start of the next section I kept riding to stay warm. I was riding pretty well, grinding it out on some of the climbs, but riding everything. I decided to hit the X and XX loops, and was glad I did. The trail pack was about half as wide here as on the outer loop, but still 100% rideable. Most of the rock gardens were buried, so they were pretty easy to ride. Even Tedman's Curve was no problem. The only trouble spots were the log ladder climb and the stupid gnome tree. Exit loop was fast and fun. Got to the parking lot, grabbed a gel and did another lap (outer loop only this time).

Second time around fatigue and calorie deficit were setting in. Not nearly as smooth as first lap. I kept straying off the hardpack into the snow. Just about went OTB on the Exit Loop, but somehow saved it (but smacked the top of my thigh into the top tube repeatedly, making for a nice bruise). All in all, about 2-1/2 hours of riding and another trainer-free day.


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun. Let me know if you need some company next week. I tried out my cold weather gear this weekend and it worked good.

Chris Van Ert said...

Cool. There's another race at Hillside on Sunday, so I may go check out the course on Saturday. Otherwise I'll hit Leb. I'll let you know.

Janet said...

Oh. My. God. The SexyBeast posted on your blog. So lucky!

Yeah - you could have written "I could hear Janet and her friends talking, laughing and falling over in the snow..." It would have been OK.