Thursday, September 25, 2008

Expiration Date: Jan. 20, 2009 12 p.m.

First, there was an immediate threat to our nation, and if we didn't give Bush all the power he needed to invade Iraq our country would be in grave peril. That turned out well. Now, there's an immediate threat to our nation's economy, and if we don't let Bush give Wall Street a blank check (with no oversight, regulations or auditing) our economy will collapse. Sounds like a great idea. What could possibly go wrong with giving Bush more unchecked power? By the way, if Wall Street got into this mess by being grossly overleveraged, what would you call expanding our nation's already morbidly obese debt by 1 trillion dollars? It's an election year, so you know that taxes won't be raised to pay for it. Instead, we'll keep digging a bigger hole to China (literally) with my kid left holding the shovel. And, in true Bush "You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie" fashion, the CEO's responsible for this gaping craphole still get their golden parachutes. They don't need the parachutes -- their fall will be gently cushioned by the backs millions of American middle-class taxpayers. Maybe W will award them Presidential Medals of Freedom, too. That would be Compassionate Conservatism in action.

I agree something needs to be done, but something doesn't mean putting blind faith in someone who only weeks ago said our economy was fundamentally sound, and that Freddie and Fannie were fine, etc. Is throwing $700 billion onto the fire going to douse the flames, or fuel the fire? I'm sure Sarah Palin has the answer. She has a checking account, so therefore she has economic experience. Maybe she can shoot at the bad corporate debt from a helicopter.

I'm just a public university educated moron who lives on "Main Street", and I approve this message.

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