Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MNSCS#4, Mt. Kato

I'll try to keep this one short since I wrote a recap for the MNSCS site, which should be up sometime this week.
It breaks down like this: 2 weeks ago I went into Mont du Lac sick. Came out worse, with a 8-9 day cold/stomach bug. So between Mont du Lac and Mankato I got in 3 rides on the bike. I had no idea what kind of legs or lungs I'd have going into Mankato. So, I made a point to focus on three things I've let slip so far this season: hyrdation, nutrition and warm up. No beer the night before, no coffee the morning of. Good meal Saturday night, good breakfast and snacks Sunday, with lots of water. I warmed up for about 45 minutes and drank an entire bottle of sports drink. At the start line I took in a little gel and off we went.

I was 3rd up the first climb and held on all day to take second in my age group, 11th overall. That was the best I have felt all year, and the best I've felt during a race in a long time. I think the mild weather helped. I think locking out my rear suspension for the entire race helped (very smooth course and the few sections with some roots weren't bad). I absolutely believe being properly hydrated, fueled and warmed-up made the biggest difference. I got tired on a few of the punchy climbs, but I never blew up. Most of all, I had fun. It was tough, to be sure, but it wasn't a death march like Mont du Lac or Afton. I hope I can build on this for Red Wing and beyond.

Photos from skinnyski.com


Mario said...

GOOD WORK! But I think you are overlooking one important thing... The down time. I think your body forced you to take some recovery time. You recharged and kicked a$$!

I saw some bikes on a car heading west on 14, when I was heading east to Rochester that morning... I miss that race...

Rhody said...

Dude you rocked Kato!! Congrats on great race! Are you racing the Firecracker this weekend?

Chris Van Ert said...

Thanks guys.

Bryan, looks like you had a great race too. Just missed the podium by about 30 seconds? Nice job! I'm skipping Firecracker and going to Red Wing on Sunday to ride. Good luck.