Monday, March 03, 2008

2 days in a row

Got out again yesterday for about an hour and a half on the mountain bike. The whir-whir-whir of knobbies on pavement kind of puts you in a trance. The big meats came in handy: major ice and slush everywhere. With all the potholes, sand, snow and ice, an already crowded shoulder (or extreme right side of the lane) gets even smaller. On the mtb you can plow right through it and stay to the side, instead of having to swerve into the lane on a road bike. Even with the fat tires my average speed was only slightly lower than it would have been on the road bike.

Thought about a group ride but this time of year for me it's about base miles. The "easiest" group rides always degenerate into a hammerfest. That and the constant sludge in the face from the bike in front of you makes going solo worth it. Back to the trainer for the next 5 days or so.

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